The SIESS community consists of representatives of the different entities that show their equipment at SIESS.

The main goals of this community are:

  • Promoting knowledge among equals within each of the entities that participate in SIESS. Equipment managers, scientific directions…
  • Becoming a meeting place with the Government of Navarra. SIESS as a SINAI collaboration tool.
  • Working group for the betterment of common actions on issues related to the purchase, maintenance, and sharing of scientific-technical equipment.

Associated entities:


ADItech coordinates the SIESS platform and the SIESS community, made up of representatives of the entities that show their equipment on this platform.

ADItech is the coordinator of the Navarra R&D&i System (SINAI). Within its collaborative activities, in 2017 it created the SIESS platform to publicize the scientific-technological capabilities that Navarra has through its infrastructure and scientific and unique equipment.