In this section we will publish any news involving the SIESS community, any updated information you may need to know or any feedback/suggestion you may want to share with the community.

Please, feel free to do so by sending it to ADItech through our regular communication channels, or alternatively at this email address.

What is SIESS?

It is a tool in which you will find all the scientific equipment of the Navarra R&D&I System (SINAI).

Each equipment is described in a technical sheet including information about the device, location, and a contact form through which you can request additional information or express interest in using that equipment.

What entities participate in SIESS?

All entities that work on R&D&I at SINAI are required to take part of SIESS.

In addition, there are other regional institutions that do not belong to the Navarra R&D&I System, but that have unique equipment and infrastructure and voluntarily enrol in to join forces at regional level.

What equipment can I find at SIESS?

All the scientific equipment of the participating entities. Only simple equipment for basic use in any laboratory is excluded from this obligation.

By publishing all the equipment and infrastructure of their entity, SINAI agents comply with one of the cooperation liabilities established by the Regional Law of Science and Technology.

If I am SINAI, what is SIESS for?

If you are technical staff, in addition to revealing the technical and operating characteristics of your equipment, through SIESS you can find other specialists in your same field or in other complementary ones.

In SIESS you might find teams and colleagues with whom you can collaborate or professionals who are working in the same field as you and share experiences, or even try to solve specific problems.

If you are a lead researcher, you can use SIESS to present your activity, projects and achievements, through the technical sheet of your most important equipment. SIESS is an opportunity to state your research activity, thus, use keywords and include the titles of your latest projects.

From a strategic point of view, SIESS shows the cutting-edge equipment and infrastructures belonging to each SINAI’s agents. This tool helps establish collaborations and plan your investments and growth plans more efficiently.

If I am a business, what is SIESS for?

If you are a company with technological interest, a start-up, an SME with a scientific base SIESS could be useful for you. It is important to know how the entities in your innovation setting are equipped with scientific-technological infrastructures. You can find a nearby service provider, a technological ally with whom to start a project in your same city or with whom to attend the same regional call, evaluate a possible investment in equipment or establish a continuous collaboration agreement.

Why is the Government of Navarra promoting SIESS?

Because the optimal management of public resources is an objective in any area, as well as in this R&D&I context. The first step is to know the existing resources, plan new investments, avoid duplication, give access to underused equipment...

The Government of Navarra uses SIESS as a single reference for advanced equipment in multiple regional initiatives and strategies such as Polo IRIS or the Personalized Medicine Strategy of Navarra.

How can I use these equipments?

If, in addition to knowing the capabilities of SINAI, you are interested in knowing more details about one of the equipment, SIESS gives you the opportunity to directly contact the person responsible for each of the infrastructures in its database.

Contact and show your interest. The appropriate person will get back to you with the information you need about the equipment, its availability, technical or analytical capabilities, the potential for contracting services, projects that are currently underway...

What if I am not in Navarra?

Welcome, bienvenido/a, ongi etorri, willkommen, benvenuto, bienvenue, bem-vindo!

SIESS is for you aswell.

Close to 40% of users visiting SIESS do so from outside Navarra. SIESS is a magnificent (and prolific) catalogue of SINAI's capacity and potential, specifically related to its scientific-technological characteristics.

Who is behind SIESS? What is the SIESS Community?

The SIESS Community is a group of people who, since its beginnings, have worked together to nourish this tool, with the purpose of keeping the database updated and seeking new ways for cooperation.

ADItech, how can you help me?

ADItech oversees and manages this tool and its equipment and infrastructure database.

Contact ADItech if you find yourself in any of these cases:

  • You do not know who the SIESS contact person is in your entity.
  • You need extra help to find an equipment or infrastructure of your interest.
  • You require complementary information in addition to what appears in SIESS.
  • You see any errors or have any suggestions for improving the tool.
  • Finally, contact us if you have any suggestions that you think can help you in your work as technical personnel responsible for any equipment.

In addition, we ensure that all information requests that you issue through SIESS are responded to and within an appropriate time frame.