Animal Experimentation Research Platform

4000 m² located in three different buildings. ts facilities are registered as a user center for experimental animals according to RD 53/2013. There are authorized facilities for work with animals requiring biosafety levels 2 and 3 and facilities authorized to carry out studies under good laboratory practice (GLP). All service personnel has the necessary professional training for working with animals according to RD 1201/2005. All research procedures carried out in the user center are evaluated by the Ethics Committee for Animal Experimentation of the Universidad de Navarra, an authorized body according to RD 53/2013, and authorized by the Government of Navarra if required due to their characteristics. The evaluation of the experimental and animal care procedures of the service follows the guidelines on animal welfare of the European Directive 2010/63/EEC and the RD 53/2013.

Manufacturer: Matachana, S.A.
Location: Universidad de Navarra / CIMA Universidad de Navarra